Saturday, December 5, 2009

11/20/2009 Radcliffe College (Harvard Women) @ Yale Women

"The Game"

US History really needs to get it right, the oldest collegiate sporting event in American history is the Yale v. Harvard RUGBY game. Sure, football may have evolved from rugby, but people still play rugby and the history books need to get this right.

I refereed the Yale v. Harvard women's rugby game on friday night. The men played at 9 AM on saturday beside the football stadium to prep for "the game."

Unfortunately the Harvard ladies got stuck in traffic out of boston, so the game did not kick off until about 9. This lead us to play on 30 minute halves....and the harvard ladiesa also only had 17 players. The ladies were obviously up for the game, but understood the situation. Yale are d1, Harvard d2. Yale made this clear throughout the entirety of the game. Overall, the ladies played in good sprit and they had a good time out there. I refereed the game rather loosely because that's the way the ladies seemed to want to play and I think they appreciated it.

Yale: 4 Tries, 1 Penalty (23)
Radcliffe College: 1 Try, 1 Conversion (7)

Following the game I stayed with a local referee and traveled to the NRUs on Randall's island in NYC. I was an AR for two D3 games on saturday - I enjoyed it very much. Both games were action packed...for an AR anyway. I was forced to make number of critical decision to help out the man the charge.

These were also unfortunately my last games with the New England referees. It was good to see many of them again. I will be moving to Houston after christmas...hopefully I can return to New England to work and referee. I was given many great opportunities and really enjoyed the rugby here...could not ask for better.

Thanks for all you have done for me NERFU - hopefully I can repay.